Ysop Essential Oil DEMETER by Farfalla

13,90 "*"

Includes 19% Mwst.
(270,00 / 100 ml)
Delivery Time: approx. 2-3 working days


Bot.Name: Hyssopus officinalis

Quality: biodinamic cultivation DEMETER

Origin: Italy

Extraction: Water vapour distillation

Plant part: Herb

SKU: 100003 Categories: ,


Ysop Essential Oil DEMETER

Ysop – Hyssopus officinalis Family Lamiaceae – Lipflowers. The Ysop is a semi-shrub up to 60 cm high with branches covered by brown bark and upright, evergreen sprouts and occurs in various varieties, which are partly also grown as an ornamental plant in this country. The mostly violet or blue lip flowers are in sham ears. The plant has a sharp aromatic smell and is also used as a spice. The home of the Ysop are the rocky pagans of the Mediterranean countries.

He came to Germany through Emperor Charles the Great. In his “Capitulare de villis”, the ordinance for the management of his goods, he recommended planting Ysop in the gardens. From these gardens the plant spread into the wild. The Ysop made its “breakthrough” with us in the Middle Ages, where it was cultivated in many monastery gardens. It was first described here by Hildegard von Bingen. In the 14th century it was named in the “Book of Nature” by Konrad von Megenberg.

In the Bible, Ysop is worshipped as a holy herb. It served as a cleaning agent for lepers and people who had come into contact with a corpse were sprinkled with a tuft of ysop. The vinegar-soaked sponge with which Jesus was plucked from the cross was also placed on a Ysop stem.
Already Hippocrates recommended to inhale the smoke of an oven in which ysop was burned next to sulfur and earth pitch to relieve tonsillitis.
Ysop, however, was already known in the times of Hippocrates not only as a symbolic herb, but also as a healing herb. One could even label the Ysop as a panacea in the multitude of diseases that can be eliminated by this herb. The Persians used it in a water as a body lotion to give the skin a delicate coloration.
The burning of a branch of Ysop is supposed to cleanse the air from contention and evil words

Ysop oil fits
Bergamot, Iron Herb Oil, Lavender Oil,Muscat Sage, Myrtle, Rosemary Oil, Sage, White Fir, Pine Pine

Attention:Not for children under 6 years, people with a tendency to epilepsy and pregnant women. Here is the chemotype Ysop var. decumbens as it has no side effects.

Mental effect:

Helps with anxiety, depression, exhaustion, lack of concentration, meditation and collection, stress-related discomfort. Is good for stimulating mental work and clarifying.

Effect physical/internal:

Helps with asthma, is ejection-promoting, blood pressure-increasing. Good for chronic bronchitis, flu, urinary stones, hay fever. Is cough-suppressing, worm-driving, eczema, ulcers, infections, wound healing, general strengthening after diseases, anti-asthmatic, anti-infectious, antiviral, appetite-stimulating, cystitis, heart strengthen. Ysop Essential Oil DEMETER helps with scars, impure skin and wounds.


70 monoterpenetones, 25 monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, monoterpenols, sesquiterpenes, phenylmethyl ethers and esters

Additional information

Weight 60 g



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Ysop Essential Oil DEMETER Farfalla

Ysop Essential Oil DEMETER by Farfalla

13,90 "*"