Storage container series Altai – craft made of birch bark
Pure, simple beauty with a lot of practical use. Ancient craft tradition – storage container series Altai – craft made of birch bark
So far, they do not hold better – and healthier – storage containers in their hands.
Storage container series Altai – craft made of birch bark
Birch bark is antibacterial and antseptic. (read our article about birch bark
Store tea, flour and rice and everything you can think of.
Some background knowledge
Birch bark is the bark of several Eurasian and North American birches of the genus Betula.
The strong and water-repellent cardboard bark can be easily cut, bent and also sewn, making it a valuable building, crafting and writing material since prehistoric times. Even today, birch bark is a popular type of wood for various handicrafts and arts.
Birch bark also contains substances of medical and chemical interest. Some of these products (such as betulin) also have fungicidal properties that contribute to the preservation of gutry artifacts, as well as foods stored in gutry containers.
Birch bark is a valuable building material. In all parts of the world where birch trees are available. Containers, as well as packaging, bags, baskets, boxes or quivers were made by most companies long before the invention of ceramics from birch bark.
In North America, the native population also used birch bark for canoes for Wigwams and more.
In Russia, for example, many birch-rinsing manuscripts from the Middle Ages have been preserved.
In Scandinavia and Finland, the bark was used as a substrate for grass roofs and birch bark roofs.
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