Juniper organic essential oil from Primavera

11,90 "*"

Includes 19% Mwst.
(238,00 / 100 ml)
Delivery Time: approx. 2-3 working days

5 ml

Biol. Name: Juniperus communis

Origin: France

Plant part: Branch / fruit

Manufacture: Distillation

SKU: 100174-0 Categories: ,


Juniper organic essential oil

The juniper becomes the Cypress family (Cupressaceae) and has about 50-70 subspecies. But only two of them grow freely in Central Europe. It is an evergreen shrub / tree whose wood often smells aromatic. The distribution area extends over the entire northern hemisphere. Due to its lower monoterpene content, juniper berry oil is somewhat better tolerated than juniper organic essential oil extracted from twigs.

This juniper bio oil is made from the fruits and branches of the Common juniper ( Juniperus communis ),produced.

The Common juniper ( Juniperus communis ), also Heather juniper (Common names: almond tree, Kranewittbaum, Reckholder, incense tree, fire tree). The common juniper grows as an upright to creeping shrub or small tree that reaches heights of up to 6 meters and can live for up to 600 years, and can be found in large quantities in the Lüneburg Heath in Germany. Juniper shapes this old and beautiful landscape.

approx. 100-200kg fruit, twigs for 1ltr. volatile oil

Juniper oil match with
Ginger oil, cypress, iris, lemongrass, oranges, cajeput, rosemary, Thyme oil l, basil , Angelica oil , Lemon oil

Before internal use, please consult specialist books, doctor or aromatherapist.

Do not use juniper oil during pregnancy!
Do not use in case of acute kidney disease!

The effect on the soul is: Refreshing, harmonizing, concentration-enhancing, mentally strengthening, helps with depressive moods, and much more

The effect physically: antibacterial, virus-inhibiting, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, and much more

Ingredients:Juniperus Communis Fruit Oil* Org, Limonene**
* from certified organic farming
** natural component of the essential oil



Additional information

Weight 55 g



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Juniper organic essential oil from Primavera | Angeldar

Juniper organic essential oil from Primavera

11,90 "*"