Black seed oil organic base oil from Primavera

18,90 "*"

Includes 19% Mwst.
(18,90 / 100 ml)
Delivery Time: approx. 2-3 working days

100 ml

Lat: Nigella Sativa

Plant part: Seeds

Extraction: Cold pressing

Origin: Egypt

Certification: NaTrue 3 stars (organic cosmetics with 95% organic content)

SKU: 100210-0 Categories: ,


Black cumin oil bio

The real black cumin is an annual herbaceous plant and reaches heights of 15 to 50 cm. It belongs to the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) and is not related to either caraway or cumin. The homeland of the real black cumin is Asia, Iraq and Turkey. Today also in southern Europe, India, Pakistan and North Africa. Primavera organic black cumin oil comes from Egypt.

Black cumin has been used as a spice and medicine in the Orient for more than 2,000 years. In Indian medicine, it is considered the preferred means of relieving pregnancy symptoms. At the time of the pharaohs, black cumin was very widespread in Egypt and the surrounding countries and was used for a wide variety of purposes (even today the best qualities thrive in Egypt). In naturopathy, organic black seed oil is used for allergies, neurodermatitis, psoriasis (psoriasis), to regulate the immune system.

“Black cumin heals every disease except death” Mohammed (A.D. 570–632)

The food company Nestlé has been trying to patent the use of black cumin in the treatment of allergies since 2010. This illustrates the great potential of this natural remedy. Studies have also shown that certain ingredients in black seed oil have an inhibiting effect on the growth of cancer cells. In addition, it has been shown that the administration of black seed oil increases the well-being of patients undergoing chemotherapy.

The peppery-spicy scented oil makes the skin supple and ensures a healthy skin metabolism.

Key plant & effect:

  • Its high proportion of linoleic acid regenerates the skin and makes it supple.
  • Strengthens the cell membrane and supports the skin’s metabolic processes.

Skin type: Suitable for all skin types. Particularly recommended for specific rub-ins and for the care of sensitive skin.

Application: Massage into damp skin after washing.

A little more about organic black cumin oil:

The proportion of essential oils in black seed oil is around one percent. This apparently small proportion is sufficient to have a positive effect on allergies or respiratory infections, for example, and to alleviate the symptoms. The essential components contained in the oil are also said to have a disinfecting and anti-oxidative effect. Remedial measures in the treatment of fungal infections are also reported.

Thymoquinone is the most important component of the essential oils in black seed oil. It has been shown that this ingredient can not only relieve allergy symptoms, but can also prevent them. The ingredient thymoquinone also has a positive effect on the blood sugar level and ensures that it is lowered. The black seed oil can also contain toxic components. These are the so-called terpene derivatives, which are primarily formed during oil production when the temperature rises above a certain level. Therefore, you should make sure to purchase a cold-pressed black seed oil. Although traces of these substances are also contained in the cold-pressed black seed oil, the concentration is so low that even long-term use is harmless to health and no side effects are to be expected. Another important ingredient in black seed oil is saponin melanthine. Saponin-melanthine is particularly suitable for treating problems in the respiratory tract. This ingredient has an expectorant and soothing effect. It also contains a bitter substance called Nigellon-Semohiorpion. This substance is characterized by the fact that it has a soothing effect on the respiratory tract.

Black seed oil also contains unsaturated fatty acids. These make up about sixty percent of black seed oil. Gamma-linolenic acid is primarily represented here. The unsaturated fatty acids are essential for the human organism. That means that humans need them to survive and they have to be fed through food. The regular supply of unsaturated fatty acids to the human body is particularly important when the immune system is impaired. Another component of black seed oil are essential amino acids. These are, for example, L-arginine, L-glycine, L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine. L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine are basic building blocks of catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine) and are essential messenger substances that are required to maintain physical functions. L-arginine, for example, improves blood circulation and thus increases the organism’s ability to absorb oxygen. This amino acid can be very effective in erectile dysfunction or general circulation problems. The essential amino acids are also required by the body to build muscle tissue and to support the immune system.

Of course, black seed oil also contains vitamins and important minerals. These are the provitamin A, the B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. Important minerals are biotin, magnesium and selenium. For example, biotin is essential for skin reproduction and hair growth. Magnesium has a positive effect on the energy metabolism and supports the muscles and nerves. The selenium contained in black seed oil helps the body to detoxify.

Components: Black cumin oil bio

INCI: Nigella Sativa Seed Oil * org * org / bio = controlled organic cultivation

Certification: NaTrue 3 stars (organic cosmetics with 95% organic content)

Additional information

Weight 280 g


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Black seed oil organic base oil from Primavera

Black seed oil organic base oil from Primavera

18,90 "*"