The medicinal plant Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is a perennial plant and belongs to the Affodill family (Asphodeloideae). The plant’s name “aloe” comes from the Arabic and translates as “bitter”, which refers to the taste of the slimy gel inside the plant. Aloe is originally native to the Arabian Peninsula. Today also in Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Central America – especially in Mexico. Primavera organic aloe vera comes from Germany. The desert plant stores water in its fleshy leaves and can thus do without rain for a long time. Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant with a tradition going back thousands of years, which is used, among other things, for wound treatment and skin diseases.
The leaf of the aloe vera consists of the leaf pulp, which is also known as aloe vera gel, the leaf bark and the leaf juice of three elements that contain different substances. Scientists have now been able to detect more than 200 ingredients in aloe vera. The plant produces many nutrients, various minerals, enzymes and vitamins, which get into the aloe vera oil through maceration. In the pulp of the aloe vera there are heaps of mono- and polysaccharides to be found, including acemannan, which is now regarded as the main active ingredient of the plant. The long-chain sugar molecule is also produced in the human body until puberty. Adults are no longer able to produce this substance. Aloe vera oil also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, which have various effects on and under the skin. The minerals calcium, magnesium and zinc also contribute to the effect of the aloe vera oil. It also contains small amounts of salicylic acid, sterols, essential oils, saponins and tannins.
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